Sometimes you get so wrapped up work, housework, kids, love, the loved one becomes a purely mechanical process.
How to experience the greatest joy of intimacy with someone you love?
Many women complain that never had an orgasm, even to a few years ago married. But for the reason that just a man? It is not likely. Of course, the stronger sex depends: can your partner, it is able to stimulate the erogenous zones. What should I do if during sex, can't relax until the end? What should I do if a long time not had an orgasm?
The answer is obvious: before intimacy with a loved one can bring himself to enjoy the delights of making love with him.
There are many ways to get to the end of the day, just the rush of steam into the arms of a loved one, press in the bedroom.
The easiest is probably reliable to trust your imagination. Besides, women properly in my head.
For anybody not a secret that a woman could imagine everything in detail, but still believe in fantasies, like the real thing. In our case, to use the imagination, would be very useful. Try to imagine yourself with a loved one. Try to feel, the manly arms, with the smell of men's Cologne, I can feel it, stroking The delicate skin, penetrating the far corners of Your body. Focus. Imagine that every movement of the body gives a lot of fun.
Quite a few minutes during the day detailed fantasies, that evening, were prepared for a long, passionate night.
Another equally effective method is to love you without your clothes on. I'm standing in front of the mirror, all the growth, so my own naked body. Even if the mistakes don't have to focus your attention on them. Learn to love yourself in the mirror. Try to caress, stroke. Don't hesitate to know the body. Learn what gives you more enjoyment, which touch more excitement. If you look yourself, it will be easier in the future to direct Your partner to the desired operation. Remember, no shame in that. The body needs to discharge. Without loving yourself, you will never feel the greatest joy, therefore, an orgasm will know That just in the words of garrulous girlfriends or viewed erotic films.
Even if you don't have a permanent partner, it is enough to imagine the guy of her dreams. This can be a famous idol or young man, what are You crazy, or simple, familiar attractive appearance. In this case, use toys, sex shop, the full experience.
Among men ("alpha males", as they call themselves), believe that good sex can be tied to all the girls. I wouldn't be so pompous, even if the young man is a mega good lover.
A girl who is aware of the body attracts you, you will be able to experience orgasm with a man, who will be with him in the bed.
Therefore, it can be a lover of the situation, not knitted– to choose a guy based on the internal quality, reliability, responsibility, orgasm, the common desire, it's just a result of how the human body works, the imagination.
He delights in the intercourse depends on the mutual desires of men and women. If one or both of them feel mental or physical fatigue, the experience of daily stress at home, at work, and very difficult to tune in to the wave of love, joy. In such cases, the invaluable assistance they provide to the agents, which enhance the libido and increase vitality.

Medicines that increase the libido, the beneficiary not only men, but also beautiful ladies. Women actively use them in combat in frigidity, as well as with the aim to recognize the sexual potential to overcome shyness in bed. The women, even those who previously unfamiliar feeling of orgasm, you begin to experience when taking sexual agents.
Causes of declining libido in women
A lack of sexual desire not so rare problem among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The libido for the ladies may be influenced by a number of factors, however, often the problem arises in the background of a particular psychological state:
- Teen fears;
- boring, monotonous sexual relationship;
- relationship problems with a partner.
Female agent
It increases the libido, and a new excitement in the bed to help the pathogens for women. Moreover, these tools will enjoy not only the lady but also the partners, like the dream of every man is incredibly passionate, sexy woman.
Most stimulants have a rapid effect, which is very important to the sexual intercourse. In addition, the sexual pathogens have virtually no side effects. The only exception is cases where the increased sensitivity to certain components of the drug.
Aphrodisiacs the following effect on the female body:
- Improves the moisture of the vagina, which can greatly facilitate the penetration of the penis.
- Quick stimulating effect: irresistible sexual desire, the libido occurs after a few minutes.
- The significant increase in the sensitivity of the skin.
- Strengthens orgasm, more intense.
The first signs of sexual arousal in women can be noticed already after a few minutes after the aphrodisiac use. The lady more and more sexual, uninhibited, my breath speeds up, nipples harden.
Aphrodisiac use to love each other the partners are able to diversify the sexual life, to come back to this time in previous passions.
Therefore, it is a stimulant, that in ancient times, DOS still has not lost its popularity. In the middle ages, the tools that increase the libido in women can be found, only the traditional healers who for centuries have studied the mechanism of action of certain substances in people.
In our country the last time to purchase the stimulant medication it was almost impossible, because the existing at the time of the public morals. Now aphrodisiac can be openly purchased in any pharmacy, not to mention the sex shops. That's why the men are not difficult to make love to a rampant desire for sex, thus ensuring the obtaining of sexual pleasure, for both parties.
Types, methods and application of the stimulant medications women
A lot of pathogens in women with different forms, methods of use. Because of this diversity, every beautiful lady the opportunity to acquire sexual stimulant to your liking:

It is important to understand that pharmacological agents, which was not good, only short-term effects totally eliminate the problem. In addition, they adversely affect human health because of the addiction. However, do not despair, because you might come to the aid of folk medicine, the centuries-old experience.
Many natural aphrodisiac of herbal origin, which are able to regain the lost sexual passion. Use folk remedies that promote sexual arousal, you need to know them. Regular use of natural aphrodisiac will not only help to restore the sexual desire, but also to improve your general health.
"Aphrodisiac" plants to excite the women
Jasmine. Collected flowers to dry, grind, and fill the thermos. Raw materials pour boiling water (0,5 l) and insists that a warm place for an hour, drain. Use 1 hour/day, 100 ml of tea instead.
Arnica. You need to get the dried flowers of the plant (15 g.), grind them and brew with hot water (400 ml). A few hours before intercourse 50 ml. Rhizome plants are cut, pour hot water (300 ml), insist 2 hours in a warm place. Apply one hour before sexual intercourse 2 tsp.
Raspberry. Quite effective the female agent. The product mixture, whisk (preferably with a mixer) a few quail eggs, add to them the chopped raspberries (100 g.), it's also a bit of honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and store in a cool place (fridge). The assets received daily 10 grams 2 times/day: lunch, and before bed.
Plantain, nettle. The mixture of these plants is a potent aphrodisiac for women. The preparation of the seeds of the plantain and nettle in the ratio of 1:1, grind to a powder, add raw materials in a glass jar, add a little honey. Composition stir thoroughly and place the container on a windowsill, let it brew during the week. Apply daily 10 gr. before dinner.
Ginseng. The most popular natural agent for women. Under the influence of it in the human body there are certain biological processes that affect the increase the libido.
The Greek hay. Use this plant as the pathogen is a delicious way to solve the problem of low libido. Properties fenugreek was known to the ancient peoples of Greece, Egypt, Rome. The taste of the plant is a bit like the sugar or maple syrup, used to flavor dishes, the spice mixtures. In india fenugreek leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Devices made with fenugreek, been used for centuries to increase libido in men and women, in addition, these medicines will help improve the status of breast tissue, to increase the milk supply in lactating women. Some people argue that it is the aphrodisiac to help increase breast size.
Aloe. You need to take a few leaves of the plant, wash thoroughly, then cut. The resulting slurry together, the heart is a 1:1 ratio, mix well. A day with a spoon.
In most cases, decreased libido, this is not a serious problem: the solution is, as a rule, the hand of almost every woman. Sometimes the ladies for some reason, not a drug-it-yourself (lazy, lack of time, etc.).
However, in order to improve your libido it is not necessary to strain yourself by preparing different mixtures, infusions, simply include in your diet certain foods.

Try to eat more seafood, beans, citrus fruits. Increases the sexual desire also contributes to the use of the following products:
As soon as you understand, it is actually quite simple. Did you know, the stimulant properties of certain plants, as well as the products, you will be able not only to enhance the sexual desire, but also to improve the mood, health.
The best caress - belly. Have to slightly press, but even better to have a small pillow that will be a little pressure during the movement. Sensible advice, this is urgent - in fact, direct stimulation of the uterus. The decrease may cause excitement, orgasm, but it is important not to overdo it. As a rule,
this is effective if the female is already bred, but still not close to the desired orgasm.
A few taps on the abdomen, to the point that the orgasm significantly enhance the enjoyment.
It is necessary to introduce into the vagina a solution of alum. Alum tightens the vagina, increasing the sensitivity, but a lot of dried mucous. If the first couple of minutes, the woman is still a burning sensation in the genitals, the arousal, then less nice. Still, this method is full of inflammation. So you can't use it.
Insert before contact a tampon in the anus. A good suggestion, which is not devoid of common sense: the compression causes the collapse, rectum, and vagina (sometimes the volume is reduced to centimeters). Therefore, it is more stimulation of the sensory nerve endings in the vagina. I know that this is the method I like to use a woman who gave birth. Doesn't get carried away with long-term use carries the risk of the formation of the muscles of the anus.
First you need to "warm up" the vagina, to take a bath, the herb elecampane or sea salt.
Light stimulation of the warm water to "Wake up" the delicate spots, but not much.
The hot water, that will help a woman to relax. Bath Armenian roots or the salt increases the body temperature causing a rush of blood, but enough to make a woman very nervous, I don't know.
Dissolve a few drops of iodine in a glass of milk to drink before the relationship. This cocktail is causing the uterine contractions, increases the muscle tone. Sometimes the "folk midwives" I suggest that you use the longer work. But the orgasm he is not likely to impact on, and the taste is unpleasant.
In an hour prior to intercourse into the vagina carrot. A certain stimulating effect: first, the mechanical irritation of the vaginal walls causing the blood to flow, and second,
the carotene found in carrot juice is a refreshing effect.
Just the carrot you need to clean and thoroughly clean.
It is necessary to open the window, or the window a little wider, the sex, the cold bedroom. When the air temperature is 17-19 degrees in more blood just rush to the body, the sensitivity may increase. There is evidence that women really enhance the excitement.